martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

Georgia May Jagger HUDSON ROCK JEANS

Desde hace mucho tiempo Georgia May Jagger ha sido la cara para los jeans HUDSON, ahora lanza su propia colección, un paso natural explica Peter Kim HUDSON CEO, "Es la hija de una estrella del rock británico y una supermodelo estadounidense"

Con el rock de sus padres y la influencia, no es de extrañar. Jagger se inspiró en los iconos de rock Guns & Roses y, a su vez, apropiadamente llamo a tres de sus estilos de denim: Slash, Axl y Guns. Además de diseñar y colaborar en la campaña, Jagger también será modelado sus diseños.
Quiero los Guns!!!

Aquí su entrevista:

What's your favorite pair from the collection?
I love the black skinnies that lace up on the sides, because I have wanted them for ages and haven't found them anywhere. I also wear the grey stonewash pair all the time. This new stretch fabric we use is so comfortable it feels like wearing pajamas, but they look really sexy.

What is the most embarrassing pair of jeans you’ve owned?
It's a toss up between the pink dungarees I used to wear when I was young, and the bright green shiny zebra print ones that are still hiding in the back of my closet.

Name your favorite denim-wearing style icons?
My mother––the ultimate stylish denim-wearing lady; James Dean; the Marlboro Man; the Ramones.

Besides the perfect pair of jeans, what are your other wardrobe and beauty essentials?
Red lipstick, moisturizer, the perfect red dress, a leather jacket, a comfortable pair of leather boots and a smile.

What are your plans for 2011?
At the moment I am very torn between London, New York and Los Angeles. In 2011 I hope to go to school for art and photography, and get my own place in London.

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